

Duplex believes that all people have a right to services and employment which are free from all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. 


Duplex will abide by the legal requirements as described within the Equality Act and take every step possible to ensure that very individual is treated fairly and equally and that decisions on recruitment, employment, education, selection, training, promotion, career management and provision of other benefits are based solely on objective and job related criteria.  




The Executive Directors of Duplex have ultimate responsibility for the equality and diversity policy.  


Every member of Duplex, is required to support this policy and ensure discrimination does not occur.  




Equality of opportunity is crucial to good practice in any organisation and fairness of opportunity for all is a basic right.  


This policy is therefore underpinned by the following: 


·      To deliver equality and diversity throughout organisational policies, procedures and practice and develop an ethos which respects and values all people  

·       To challenge discrimination and lack of opportunity and encourage other organisations and individuals to do the same to actively promote equality of opportunity  

·       To create a culture that respects and values an individual’s differences and recognises that difference/diversity is an asset to our organisation both to its work and the people it serves  

·       To eliminate all forms of unfair discrimination, bullying, harassment or other oppressive behaviour. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated  

·    Take positive action to provide encouragement and support to individuals and groups whose progress has been limited by stereotyping and cultural expectations and to prepare candidates for life in a diverse society  

·    To ensure all employees, volunteers, candidates and collaborative partners are aware and encouraged to support the objectives of this policy  

·       Promote good relations amongst people within the organisations community and the wider communities within which we work  

·      Do our best, within available resources, to remove barriers which limit or discourage access to Duplex training provision and activities  

·       Monitor the implementation, set targets for improvement and evaluate the impact of equality and diversity action 


What is Equality


Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly, equally and no less favourably that is specific to their needs.  


This includes and in line with the protected characteristics: 


·      age 

·      disability 

·      gender reassignment 

·      marriage and civil partnership 

·      pregnancy and maternity 

·      race 

·      religion or belief 

·      sex 

·      sexual orientation  


What is Diversity 


Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and candidates 


Equal Opportunities 


The centre will evaluate effectiveness of equal opportunities for all clients, candidates and staff. 


Access to Fair Assessment 


The centre evaluates arrangements to support access to fair assessment.  


Monitoring of Compliance 


All feedback, both formal and informal, from candidates, employers, and clients or other interested parties, is reviewed by Duplex If any changes to the centre’s policies or procedures are considered necessary to maintain compliance, these are actioned as soon as possible. 


Duplex monitors the effectiveness of this policy to maintain full compliance with regulatory requirements. 


Policy Review


Duplex review their policies and procedures on an annual basis and the next review is scheduled for: 

February 2026